Hack with us at

April 4th-6th, 2025 Georgia Tech

Participate in ImmerseGT, an innovative XR hackathon hosted by GTXR, on Georgia Tech's campus from April 4th-6th. Compete for your share of prizes as you build and test XR applications using state-of-the-art headsets.

Hosted By

1. Choose Your Track

From Web3 to Sports and Fitness, Our eight categories span a variety of industries. Choose your top three tracks upon registration, letting you play to your strengths or try something new as you compete for track-specific prizes.
*Tracks listed below are last year's categories and subject to change.

2. Find Your Team

Whether you choose to join up with friends or network with other event participants, ImmerseGT's event platform allows you to build effective, skilled teams. You can search for members, filter teams based on key criteria, and more.

The Best Team


Looking for dedicated team members who are experienced in front end and back end development for our hackathon team.

John Doe
Barry Allen
James Smith
Henry Allen

3. Build Your Product

We provide the headsets, you provide the code. Once you have chosen a track and team, work over the course of 36 hours to plan an idea, build a prototype, and come up with a presentation to show to the judges.

ImmerseGT is More Than Just Coding


At ImmerseGT, you will be interacting with other college students like yourself — innovators, builders, engineers, coders, entrepreneurs, and more.


No experience required — even as a beginner, you can get started in the world of XR by attending our many training workshops throughout the weekend.


All you need is a laptop and an idea. Solo entrants can find teammates at ImmerseGT and we will provide the headsets, tools, and space you need to hack effectively.

Meet Our Judges

Practice your idea pitch in front of a variety of industry experts and innovators in the ImmerseGT judging round.

Attend multiple event workshops to further learn from and network with experts as you gain hands-on experience in building XR technologies from scratch and listen to people from all throughout the 404.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Still have some questions?
Feel free to get in touch with us.

Don't miss out on ImmerseGT.

April 4th-6th @ Georgia Tech

Apply for the ImmerseGT hackathon and prepare for three days of building XR projects, networking with other participants, talking to industry leaders and experts, learning about cutting-edge XR technologies at workshops, and more.

Plus, you'll be competing for your share of several prizes and awards sponsored by top companies from around the globe, to be announced soon.

Apply Today